Welcome to The Dragon's Den!
Have you always wanted something fun and geeky to wear but don’t like the quality you find?
Do you have allergies to the cheap metal used in commercial merch that is FOREVER FOUND at conventions? PSSST! You are definitely not alone!

Who am I?
My name is Stephenie, the Dragon herself! Founder and proud owner of Le Dragon Argenté. And like many of you, I can’t wear anything cool that I find at geek & anime conventions because of my allergies to nickel, zinc and cadmium. Plus hate shoddy craftsmanship!
I'm an artisan jeweller who is a gamer, into anime, si-fi/fantasy and general all around geek who loved going to conventions way before selling at them!
I create handmade precious metal jewellery in styles from geeky, fantasy, Celtic, and everything in between.
So come and get to know me!
Who is Le Dragon Argenté?
The Birth of the Dragon

What goes on in the Dragon's Workshop
When folks want to know what's behind my jewellery, I have to say blood, sweat, tears, and of course cats!
Except for the actual casting of my pieces(insurance companies don't like fire!) everything I do in house.
When I’m not in my den creating for you, you can usuually find me at local conventions or shows. I also offer my time as a member of the Montreal Gem & Mineral club to help others learn how to create their own pretties with their own stones.

Ok, so what's with the sword?
All dragons collect an assortment of shiny things! And one of those things for me is Final Fantasy blades, my favorite game series ever!
This Buster sword, from Final Fantasy 7, was my first one in my collection. It's perfect for me, as it's also the same sword design I wear every day around my neck! Because I want to share my fandom too!
Have questions? I might have answers! Feel free to ask away!
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