It's Show Time!
With the restrictions starting to ease, the Cons are welcoming us vendors back and the fans will be arriving in the masses! As a vendor myself, let me tell you how much I've missed you, my fellow fans!
Here is the most up-to-date list of the events I will be attending, mark your calendars and come say hello! Coffee bribes are always welcome!
March 18-20: Furnal Equinox https://www.furnalequinox.com
March 26-27: Geeked Out https://www.geekedoutevents.ca/
July 8-10: Montreal Comiccon https://www.montrealcomiccon.com/en/
August 25-28: Fan Expo Canada https://fanexpohq.com/fanexpocanada/
September 2-5: Brome Fair https://bromefair.com/
September 9-11 Ottawa Comiccon https://ottawacomiccon.com/
October 8-9 Comiccon de Quebec https://www.comicconquebec.com/
Montreal Gem & Mineral Show TBA
Ottawa mini-con (TBA)
Montreal mini-con (TBA)