A bit about myself, and my love of Final Fantasy. And about the Sword!
I wanted to give you folks my backstory (because every good character needs one!) about my love for Final Fantasy! And about the Buster Sword!
I have been playing the Final Fantasy series since the NES era (still have my NES and Super NES!) and have kept all of my physical games. I even have the FF1 with the glitch that causes the game to freeze just after you beat the second-to-last boss! Had to wait till it was re-released on PS1 to finally finish the game!
Final Fantasy 7 though has been my favourite and the longest one I've played to date! Imagine playing in 1999 on a 19" tube tv without a player guide, and ending up clocking 160 hours that first go around. Ok, I spent 2 of those hours trying to find an exit in a cave because of how dark the graphics are, so that's partially the reason! Those who played the classic back then understand what I mean!
FF7 was the most complex storyline in a game at the time it came out, and you really developed a connection to the characters and wanted to find out everything about them. It made you care about them.
Fast forward to me selling at local comic con events, and a seller was selling this buster sword, and I absolutely needed to have it! So while I was looking it over someone asked "Hey, is that for your boyfriend?" I looked at them and replied "Uh, no. It's for me! I'm the gamer!"
To date I've gotten this one, the FF7: Avent Children sword, Sepheroth's Masamune, Squall's gunblade, Rikku's thief knives, and the FF7: Crisis Core black Buster Sword in my collection!
So there you go! Hope you enjoyed reading more about me!